The blepharoplasty It is the procedure performed to shape or modify the appearance of the eyelids. It can be carried out for remove bags, fatty bumps and loose hanging skin around the eyes. If you are thinking about having a blepharopasty, you probably have many questions about it. In this post today, from Weigand Clinic We answer the most common questions.
In which cases is it recommended to opt for an upper blepharoplasty?
An upper blepharoplasty is for patients who have loose skin or fatty lumps on the upper eyelid. Some patients may complain that their eyelids feel heavy at the end of the day.
What are the most important factors to consider when deciding on upper blepharoplasty?
Before undergoing an upper blepharoplasty, it is necessary to consider whether the results will be worth the expense, risk and concern that a surgical operation entails.
What is the best age to have an upper blepharoplasty?
While some patients have an increase in volume in their eyelids during their first thirty years, usually done at forty. There are also many people who opt for it in their fifties and sixties. In short, it is not a question of age, since each person ages at a different age and in a different way.
Will there be a scar?
Plastic surgeons warn patients that there will always be a scar after surgery, but the eyelid heals better than any other part of the body. The reason is that the scars seem to be related to the thickness of the skin and the eyelid has thinner skin. The only way for someone to detect the scars would be to look very close.
Are the results lasting?
Surgery involves removing fat or, in most cases, skin. That skin that has been removed does not appear again, so the results are long-lasting.
What type of anesthesia is applied?
An upper blepharoplasty can be done with only Local anesthesia, intravenous sedative or light general anesthesia. However, there are patients who choose to undergo two operations at the same time, such as blepharoplasty together with a rhinoplasty or a facelift, so it is necessary to use a general anesthetic. The type of anesthesia must be decided between the surgeon and the patient.
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