What is lipovaser or high definition liposculpture?
The lipovaser or also known as high definition liposculpture, or 4 D liposculptures, is an innovative technique that is carried out through ultrasound. It is basically used to eliminate accumulations of fat from certain parts of the body. The objective of the treatment is to further define the body figure, marking the natural lines of the body and achieving muscles perfectly adapted to the patient's constitution. Few treatments and techniques achieve so much speed and efficiency meet these goals.
This procedure undoubtedly represents a clear and important advance for more conventional liposculptures. It is a very effective lipomodeling method that allows you to eliminate areas of fat with unprecedented precision. It is very versatile and can be applied to almost all parts of the body, including: abdomen, flanks, neck, chest, knees, back, etc...
What patients seek this treatment?
The patient seeking lipovaser is one who seeks top quality liposculpture wanting to mark their natural anatomical and muscular lines. This patient usually has a normal body weight, presents fat accumulation in some localized areas of the body.
How is the surgery performed?
🔻 El tiempo de este tipo de intervenciones varía en función de la zona afectada y puede oscilar entre 30 min y varias horas en función de la envergadura de la cirugía. Se puede realizar con a. local de manera ambulante o mediante a. general con ingreso hospitalario, también en función de las zonas a tratar. Esta intervención se debe realizar siempre en régimen hospitalario y bajo ningún concepto debe efectuarse en otro lugar.
🔻 La cirugía consiste en una serie de incisions, through which a saline component will be injected. Ultrasonic waves will be applied through very small probes that will transform the fat until it acquires the state of an emulsion. Once this process is carried out, with the help of a cannula the suction of the emulsified liquid generated. Using this method, it is possible to define with the greatest possible precision all types of natural body lines, such as the linea alba or semilunar of women or the so-called “chocolate bar or six packs” of men. As time goes by, the skin takes on a more and more shape. natural, ending up achieving the desired aesthetic result.
↗️ The preoperative It begins with a routine procedure, a series of clinical tests to verify the condition of the patient in question.
↗️ During the first date The specialist will first test the accumulations of fat that you want to eliminate and also the characteristics which presents the fur of the patient, as firmness and tone. Next, it will be the patient who must express their doubts before surgery.
↗️ Once this first meeting has taken place, the doctor can make different recommendations regarding daily life and must be totally transparent regarding habits and health status.
🔸 Una vez dada el alta hospitalaria, el paciente podrá empezar a llevar little by little a normal life. After the intervention, the patient will have to wear compression clothing for 3-4 weeks to shape their new body and it is possible that during the days after the intervention they will have to wear lymphatic drainage to prevent fluid buildup.
🔸 Ante el riesgo de posible infection, can be supplied antibiotics which should be taken in the same way, under the orders of the specialist.
🔸 Con el paso del tiempo, la persona que ha sido intervenida se irá encontrando mejor, hasta volver a su día a día normal.
✔️ Due to its selective action on the fat to be eliminated, other tissues that may be nearby (such as blood vessels or nerves) will not be seen. This means less pain and inflammation compared to what can be suffered with other types of surgeries, like Laser or conventional liposuctions.
✔️ The fat that is extracted can be used to infiltrate some other area of the body, such as the chest or buttocks. Due to the way of extraction, the fat cells are not broken and they can be injected into other anatomical areas.
✔️ The skin retraction capacity with this technique is superior to any other method, making it the ideal method for liposculptures in patients with certain sagging skin.