In addition to bichectomy, there are other surgical methods to achieve facial slimming such as AccuLift or face shaping.
This procedure consists of reshaping the contour of the face by eliminating excess fat accumulated in deposits under the skin. In addition, in some cases it can also be complemented with surgical modeling of bones or cartilage or injection of filler to give it volume.
The AccuLift can be performed using a variety of methods. The most used technique in these cases is usually liposuction. Some patients opt for laser-assisted liposuction, which is a more gentle technique compared to conventional liposuction. The laser wavelength is perfect for melting fat and also facilitates skin removal.
The AccuLift can be performed independently or, conversely, used in conjunction with filler injections, fractional CO2 laser skin shaping, facial adipose tissue grafts or facelift surgery.
It is an innovative procedure since it allows you to eliminate fat deposits in an easy, comfortable and safe way. Another of its advantages is that when using the laser there will be no scars and the patient's recovery time is very short.
⇒ Improves contour without having to undergo any surgery.
⇒ This is a quick recovery method.
⇒ Delays aging.
⇒ It improves the skin since collagen is stimulated in this process.
⇒ Offers a natural result.