What are tuberous breasts?
The tuberous breasts They are a breast deformity that, in most cases, occurs without the patient being aware or realizing it. They manifest themselves only through the shape of the breast, which is different from the usual one. This deformity it is characterized by:
🔸 Falta de tejido mammary below the edge of the areola.
🔸 Falta de surco submammary gland that prevents the gland from expanding.
🔸 Por la falta de surco anteriormente mencionado, se concentra el poco tejido mamario detrás de la areola.
This causes the breasts, instead of having a rounded growth, to develop tubular shape, they fall downwards, the areola is excessively large and the breasts are much further apart than usual.
Furthermore, it is common for the breasts to be asymmetrical. That is, each breast can have a different degree of tuberosity from the other (both in volume and shape). It can also happen that one breast develops normally while the other is tuberous.
What degrees of tuberosity exist?
As we mentioned in the previous section, there are different tuberosity degrees. It is important to identify and mark the differences between them for adequate treatment:
🔹 Grado mild: is the most common of all. It is characterized because the lower part of the inner quadrant of the breast does not develop. This makes the halo look downward.
🔹 Grado moderate: It occurs due to poor development of the lower external part of the breast or because there is deficient skin in the subareolar area. In this case the areola appears dilated and excessively large.
🔹 Grado serious: stands out for a serious condition of the breast quadrants that leads to the areola being herniated.
Who is the ideal patient for this surgery?
This operation is intended for anyone who has been diagnosed with a tubular breast and wants to correct the malformation of their breast since, frequently, this condition usually causes complexes or psychological discomfort for those who suffer from it.
Importance of diagnosis
It is very important to carry out a case study of each patient, not only to prepare for subsequent surgery and apply the correct treatment to achieve an optimal result both visually and in terms of health, but also because on many occasions patients come to the consultation because they think they have a strange chest and want a elevation or an increase without knowing that what they actually have are tuberous breasts.
Of equal importance is contacting a professional surgeon capable of providing personalized treatment adapted to each type of tuberous breast to achieve a successful intervention. In the Weigand Clinic We are specialists in tuberous breasts. We invite you to contact us without obligation. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have and accompany you throughout the entire process.
Surgery, anesthesia and techniques
This intervention aims to remodel the breast. Depending on the degree of tuberosity, different techniques will be used, such as, for example, mammoplasty or mastopexy, among others. Implants can also be placed.
What is achieved through this surgery is:
🔸Corregir las asimetrías of the breasts or the breast in question.
🔸En caso de que la areola esté deformada o tenga un tamaño excesivo, reduce its size and correct its form.
🔸Conseguir un pecho redondeado mediante la elimination of tubular shape or tube.
🔸Elevar la mama so that it stops having a sagging appearance.
🔸Aportar volumen to those areas that need it.
🔸Si el surco mamario está afectado, recreate new one.
🔸Para esta cirugía la anesthesia more indicated is the general. Depending on the degree of tuberosity and the type of intervention, the operation may last longer or shorter. However, in general, it usually lasts between 1 or 2 hours. The duration of anesthesia is very similar to that of surgery.
He patient You must follow the surgeon's instructions to prepare for the operation and ensure success. In addition, you should inform professionals about taking medications or if you smoke, because it is highly recommended not to smoke, since tobacco can alter blood flow, which is key to healing.
It is not usually necessary to place drains because the bleeding is minimal (except in some cases). So once the patient has woken up from anesthesia, she is taken to the recovery room and will be monitored for a couple of hours. You will then be transferred to your room and remain admitted for 24 hours. The time needed for specialists to remove the bandage and place a special bra for the postoperative.
🔺La recovery It should not be complicated and the patient will be able to lead a completely normal life after 8 or 10 days. In terms of care, they are not far from breast augmentation interventions.
As we mentioned previously, tuberous breasts usually cause major physical complexes and psychological problems. Therefore, undergoing surgery to recover the normal appearance of the breast entails many benefits, especially in these areas. For example, it restores women's self-esteem, gives them greater self-confidence, helps them improve their interpersonal relationships and allows them to enjoy their sexuality without complexes.