What is blepharoplasty?
➡️The blepharoplasty It is the surgery that is carried out to correct excess skin in the eye area, either in the upper area or in the lower area.
With this type of operation we manage to rejuvenate the look, thus achieving better facial expression and aesthetics.
This surgery can be performed alone or together with other cosmetic surgeries of the face such as a facelift.
How is the surgery performed?
🔹 Es un proceso que se realiza con una técnica quirúrgica ambulatoria. Para llevarla a cabo se utiliza anestesia local y sedación, por ello conllevará un ingreso hospitalario, pero no muy largo. Por lo general a las pocas horas de la intervención se puede dar el alta al paciente.
🔹 La operación de bolsas en los ojos o e parpados superiores suele durar entre una y tres horas.
Types of surgery
The purpose of making a eyelid surgery superiors is to remove excess skin and restore normal muscle tension. To achieve this, a small incision is made in the area to be treated and the natural course of the eyelid is followed. With this we ensure that the scar is hidden in a pre-existing wrinkle in the skin.
On the other hand, when this procedure is done in the lower area we can differentiate two types of incisions:
▶️ External route: This technique is used when the patient has excess skin in the area. A small cut is made just below the eyelashes to remove the fat pockets and is closed using a very fine suture. In this way we manage to provide the tension that the eyelid needs and improve the position of the external angle.
▶️ Internal route: This technique is more common when we find a patient with bags but without excess skin. The incision is made inside the eyelid and the fat is removed. This way there is no external wound. This process is common in people under 45 years of age.
As in other operations, a series of analyzes are done to know the patient's health status, here the following is also done:
An ophthalmological examination to rule out glaucoma or retinal detachment.
🔶 Se evaluará si el paciente tiene algún problema de tiroides, falta de lágrimas, presión arterial, enfermedades cardiovasculares o diabetes.
In the days following the operation you can:
Swelling may appear in the area, but this is not a cause for concern. During the first week after surgery, a series of drains may be performed to help eliminate the accumulation of liquids, thus shortening the postoperative period and favouring the patient's recovery. The stitches are removed a few days after surgery.
🔺 Tras two weeks the routine of daily life can be recovered. During this period you may experience some alterations such as excessive tearing, hypersensitivity or changes in visual acuity, all of which are temporary. It is true that it will be after 3 months when the definitive results of the process can be seen.
🔺 Se deberán seguir todas las indications from the surgeon regarding the medication to take to avoid suffering a lot of pain, the eye drops necessary to keep the eyes hydrated and how the treatment and cleaning of the eyes should be carried out.
This type of surgery has the advantage of:
✔️ The results are very natural and above all definitive.
✔️ No type of touch-up is necessary, which would happen if you had opted for hyaluronic acid.
✔️ We manage to give our face a younger and healthier appearance, thanks to the fact that facial expression intensifies and provides greater expressiveness.
As in any other surgical process, there are reactions that are not lasting but can appear as:
◼️ Infections or anesthetic reactions.
◼️ Double or blurred vision for a few days.
◼️ Visible edema during the first week.
◼️ Problems closing your eyes completely after the operation and for two or three days.
Who is the ideal patient for this intervention?
Suitable patients are all those seeking an improvement in their appearance due to excess skin or wrinkles in the area closest to the eyes. This type of symptoms can appear in:
⏩ On the upper eyelids, known as eyelid fallen.
⏩ On the lower eyelids, such as dark circles or bags.
This skin growth means that the facial expression looks sad and aged instead of providing a luminosity to the patient's face. Sometimes these types of operations are not done for aesthetic reasons, but because these excess skin begin to pose a problem in the field of vision.
The appearance may be due to several factors. It can be a natural process, as the person ages and their skin with it, it can also be influenced by hereditary factors, stress, sleep disorders or skin diseases.