The buttocks They are one of the areas most in demand by many patients, especially women. The depressions, better known as 'dimples', are one of the biggest concerns that cause people to be dissatisfied with their buttocks and resort to surgery. These depressions are generated due to a disproportionate distribution of fat in the area and are adhesions of the skin to the muscle.
To solve this problem there are surgical techniques. The intervention is performed under general anesthesia and the postoperative time is usually approximately one week.
But sinkholes are not the only concern that may arise in the area. Another of the most popular imperfections is what is known as the double gluteal fold, which would be that fold formed by the fat that is located just below or above the buttocks. To eliminate this double fold, surgical techniques can also be used.
In addition, cellulite and stretch marks, which frequently appear in the gluteal region, can also be treated but without resorting to surgery. The treatments applicable to eliminate or improve them belong to the field of aesthetic medicine and will also have to be accompanied by a balanced diet and an exercise routine.

If we refer to postoperative It is important that you know that you should keep some rest and avoid making physical efforts to prevent the pain from increasing. In the same way, you should also know that in a maximum of one week you will be able to join your work routine.
If we talk about recommendations after the intervention, it is recommended to sleep face down and wear a brace for three or four weeks and not drive.
To better inform you about buttock augmentation and the technique used in said intervention, you can contact with our team that will inform you of everything you need.