What is breast augmentation with own fat?
He breast augmentation with own fat It is a surgical intervention in which, through liposuction, excess fat is extracted from some part of the body such as, for example, the abdomen or thighs, and injected into the breasts. In this way, through a single surgery it is possible to eliminate accumulations of fat and improve the appearance both in shape and size of the chest.
Breast augmentation surgery usually lasts approximately an hour and a half, depending on each patient. It is a safe and reliable technique, but we must choose a good surgeon.
Who is the ideal patient for this surgery?
➡️ This operation is designed, especially, for those people who are not looking for the placement of implants or a large breast augmentation, but rather who want a moderate increase That more than being noticed in the size, it is manifested in the appearance and shape of the breasts.
➡️ Furthermore, it is necessary that the person who wants to undergo surgery has fat deposits to perform prior liposuction and, of course, must be in good health. In any case, the specialist is the one who must assess whether this type of intervention is the most appropriate for the patient.
What is the operation about
Once the surgeon has performed all the necessary tests and considers that breast augmentation with own fat is the most appropriate intervention for the patient in question, he proceeds to the surgery which is carried out as follows:
🔸 Lo primero es aplicar anestesia local en la zona donante de grasa para, después, realizar unas pequeñas incisiones que son los orificios en los que se introducen unas pequeñas cánulas encargadas de absorber la grasa.
🔸 Una vez se ha extraído la grasa es necesario procesarla y purificarla.
🔸 Por último, se anestesian las moms and, in the same way as in the donor area, small, practically invisible holes are made to insert the cannula and inject the fat.
It is worth mentioning that in some cases breast augmentation with own fat can be combined with the placement of implants. In an intervention of these characteristics, what would be done would be to place the implant below the muscle and use its own fat to achieve a better shape and placement, filling those spaces that the prosthesis does not cover.
The recovery It is simple and should not be painful. The first days the breasts will be swollen and the patient will have slight discomfort, but it is not something that cannot be solved by taking the medications and following the recommendations prescribed by the specialist.
During the first months some special cares. After the intervention, bandages will be placed and after their removal, the operated person will have to wear a special bra. After the time indicated by the surgeon, a sports or wireless bra will suffice.
Being a simple operation and, generally, outpatient. That is, without the need for hospital admission. The patient will be able to return to a normal life in a few days, although they will not be able to make sudden movements, exercise or gain weight. Besides, the scar hydration It is essential for a quick and successful recovery.
Is there any risk?
🔶 En cuanto a los posibles riesgos, en principio It is an intervention that does not harbor risks as long as it is performed by a qualified surgeon. Although, as with any operation, there is some possibility of complications such as, for example, infection, excessive bleeding, the appearance of hematomas or seromas.
🔶 Uno de los principales factores de riesgo en este tipo de cirugías es el tabaquismo ya que afecta a la microcirculación que se encarga de trasportar la sangre a los tejidos. Esto hace que existan probabilidades mayores de que se produzca un sangrado más abundante o de que se necrosen los tejidos.
🔶 Es muy importante que aquellos pacientes que sean fumadores dejen de fumar al menos unas semanas antes de la operación para para facilitar el curado de las heridas. También es conveniente no tomar aspirinas u otros medicamentos de tipo antiinflamatorio y no ingerir determinados alimentos ya que pueden aumentar el sangrado.
In any case, the most important thing is to visit an expert so that the intervention is carried out correctly. In the Weigand Clinic We are specialists in breast augmentation with own fat. If you want to ask us any questions or find out which surgery is best for you, do not hesitate to contact us or visit us at our Ruber Aesthetic Clinic Madrid.
What are the advantages and disadvantages?
Like other breast augmentation or lifting techniques, breast augmentation with own fat is an intervention that patients greatly appreciate as it restores their security, self-confidence and puts an end to the complexes caused by the shape. or the size of your breasts.
But the advantages This type of intervention not only focuses on the physical or psychological complexes, but at the surgical level it also has a series of benefits with respect to traditional breast augmentation through implants:
🔹 La principal ventaja es que al utilizar grasa propia y no colocar implantes no se introduce ningún material extraño o artificial en el pecho. Esto permite, al mismo tiempo conseguir un more natural result both visually and tactilely. In addition, the living cells contained in fat generate a large amount of proteins that contribute to greater flexibility and health in the skin.
🔹 Al no colocar implantes se evitan todas las complicaciones derivadas de los mismos como puede ser, por ejemplo, la contractura capsular o el rechazo del implante. De la misma manera no hay que preocuparse por revisar las prótesis o remplazarlas. Y the scars are minor and practically invisible.
🔹Tal y como señalábamos anteriormente esta intervención permite eliminar depósitos de grasa no deseados.
As for the disadvantagesAlthough it is quite uncommon, it is interesting to mention that in some cases after fat grafting there may be uneven reabsorption of fat. Causing an asymmetry in the breasts and making a second graft necessary to equalize them.